
  • S&P stops giving ESG scores to Indian companies covered by SEBI rules

    23 July 2024
  • S&P extends 'shades of green' to transition plan assessments

    18 July 2024

    S&P Global Ratings has extended its 'shades of green' methodology for judging labelled bonds to assess the credibility of companies' climate transition plans, with the launch of a product it said would help companies attract "transition finance".

  • People Moves, 21 June: GEF, TNFD, GRI, S&P Trucost, UBS ... and more

    21 June 2024
  • Fewer than half of US listed companies have net-zero target, S&P says

    09 May 2024
  • Nature-based solutions can help companies pursue ambitious climate goals

    09 May 2024

    They are an under-utilised tool, despite their ability to simultaneously combat climate change and help reverse ecosystem loss, argues Lauren Smart.

  • S&P Global dataset reveals climate hazard exposure for US munis

    29 April 2024
  • Rise of transition plans could remedy regulatory 'failure' to boost transition finance

    16 April 2024
  • Many companies have no climate adaptation plans, says S&P

    04 April 2024

    Just one-fifth of rated companies have a plan in place to adapt to climate change, and less than half of these plan on implementing their plans in the next decade, according to a report by S&P Global Ratings.

  • ESMA proposes mandating ESG transparency in credit ratings

    03 April 2024

    The European securities regulator has proposed requiring credit ratings agencies to explicitly state where and how ESG factors are incorporated in their methodologies.

  • PenSam's carbon budget index

    01 April 2024

    The Danish pension provider's new climate index will help it reduce its climate risks, Mikael Bek tells Peter Cripps