
  • Zurich limits coal exposure in investment and underwriting

    15 November 2017

    Third major firm to do so after Axa and Scor

  • Insured losses from Hurricane Maria could reach $85 billion, says AIR

    26 September 2017

    Insured losses inflicted by Hurricane Maria will be between $40 billion and $85 billion, according to catastrophe modelling firm AIR Worldwide.

  • Scor sets new benchmark for coal divestment

    06 September 2017

    Won't invest in companies with more than 30% of turnover from coal

  • France's sovereign green bond could reach €13bn this year

    25 January 2017

    The French Treasury has issued a mammoth €7 billion ($7.5 billion) green sovereign bond, which is almost twice the size of the previous largest green bond and could be increased to €13 billion later this year.

  • People moves - RobecoSAM, ANZ, ADE, Zevin, Stem

    02 December 2016

    RobecoSAM has appointed Aris Prepoudis its new chief executive officer (CEO), replacing Michael Baldinger, who left to become head of sustainable and impact investing at UBS earlier this year.

  • KfW makes debut in sterling green bond market

    24 July 2015

    KfW has issued its first sterling-denominated green bond. The £500 million ($775 million) issue had been expected and continues the development bank's efforts to boost liquidity in the green bond market.