
  • Green bond round-up, 10 October 2018

    10 October 2018
  • Losing faith in fossil fuels

    05 October 2018

    The Church of Sweden Pension Fund applies strict fossil fuel exclusion criteria to its investments and allows scope for a relatively large tracking error in its pursuit of sustainable returns. Carl Cederberg, the fund's CEO, explains why to Michael Hurley

  • Green bond round-up, 26 September 2018

    26 September 2018

    The Asian Development Bank has issued a $750 million green bond – its first benchmark transaction denominated in USD since August last year.

  • EIB enters sustainability bond arena with ground-breaking issue

    06 September 2018

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued its inaugural Sustainability Awareness Bond (SAB), the first in a series that expands its labelled bond issuance programme beyond Climate Awareness Bonds (CABs).

  • Green bonds round-up, 5 September 2018

    05 September 2018

    German real estate bank, Deutsche Hypothekenbank, has issued its second €500 million ($580 million) green Pfandbrief.

  • People Moves: CISL, RCG, ATP, CalPERS, Global Wind Service and Earth Capital Partners

    31 August 2018

    Martin Porter and Ursula Woodburn have been appointed to senior roles in Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership's (CISL) policy team, to strengthen its European presence in the Brussels office.

  • The growing pains of green bond funds

    31 August 2018

    A lack of size, diversification and awareness are among the main challenges facing the fledgling green bond market, a poll of fund managers has revealed. Molly Wilson reports

  • Green bond round-up, 8 August 2018

    08 August 2018

    SEB observes ‘considerable’ slowdown in July issuance

  • Lessons from the Nordics

    19 July 2018

    The Nordic countries are in the vanguard of the green bond market, leading the march in areas such as impact reporting. Michael Hurley asks what lessons the rest of the world can learn

  • Steering group for Green Finance Institute announced

    16 July 2018

    A steering group has been assembled to guide the launch of the UK's Green Finance Institute.