
  • 'Transition' firms preferring sustainability-linked over transition bonds

    12 April 2021

    Sustainability-linked bonds are proving more popular for carbon-intensive issuers than transition bonds, and experts are worried the 'transition' label is adding unnecessary confusion in the market. Ahren Lester and Christopher Marchant report

  • Winners revealed in Environmental Finance's Bond Awards 2021

    31 March 2021
  • LSE launches first dedicated transition bond segment

    16 February 2021

    The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has launched a dedicated transition bond segment to its sustainable bond market (SBM), in a move it is believed makes it the first exchange to do so.

  • News round-up: Europex welcomes ETS review, Snam climate targets, India renewables investment

    27 November 2020
  • ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 conference: Day one round up

    12 November 2020

    The annual conference is being held virtually this year and attracted over 600 delegates on its first day

  • Defining transition finance: how to be inclusive yet specific

    28 September 2020

    Transition finance has garnered a lot of attention, but the challenge of delineating what exactly it is remains unresolved. Three recent reports try to balance the need for the definition to be both broad enough to be inclusive, yet specific enough to protect the instruments from claims of greenwashing. Ahren Lester reports.

  • Basic definition essential for transition bond issuance, says ISS ESG

    25 September 2020

    The market does not have to 'reinvent the wheel' on the structure of transition bonds to support future issuers, ISS ESG tells Ahren Lester, but a clear definition of what activities demonstrate 'transition' is essential for this potentially large market to grow

  • ISS ESG launches transition bond second party opinion service

    05 August 2020

    ISS ESG has updated its second party opinion (SPO) methodology to support issuers of transition bonds ahead of guidance being published later in 2020.

  • Bond round-up: Unédic, Snam, Castle Peak, Northern States Power, Symbiotics ... and more

    17 June 2020
  • Snam issues maiden €500m 'transition' bond after 'climate action' criticism

    12 June 2020

    Italian energy infrastructure firm Snam has raised €500 million ($567 million) through its inaugural 'transition bond' to finance or refinance energy transition projects, just over a year after its 'climate action bond' attracted controversy.