
  • Green bond comment September: Are stringent standards a good thing?

    04 September 2019

    Heads were turned when it was recently revealed that just 17% of the market value of bonds contained in the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Green Bond Index would meet the proposed EU Taxonomy criteria – and thus be eligible to be verified in line with the EU Green Bond Standard (GBS).

  • BAML reveals thoughts on transition bonds

    26 August 2019

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) has weighed in on the debate about the creation of a new market for transition bonds, suggesting that at least a quarter of the proceeds of bonds bearing this label should be used to finance green assets or projects.

  • Marfrig's sustainable cattle bond attracts new ESG investors

    05 August 2019

    Beef producer Marfrig Global Foods was able to attract additional environmental, social and governance (ESG) investors for its $500 million Sustainable Transition Bond issued earlier this week.

  • ESG in Fixed Income, featuring the Green Bonds Americas conference 2019 - early bird ends this Friday

    01 August 2019

    The fifth annual ESG in Fixed Income, featuring the Green Bonds Americas conference will take place in New York on 17 September.

  • Beef giant issues controversial Sustainable Transition Bond Framework

    31 July 2019

    The world's second largest beef producer, Marfrig Global Foods, has issued a controversial Sustainable Transition Bond Framework for the purchase of cattle.

  • Green and sustainability loans: the growth accelerates

    01 July 2019

    The green and sustainability-linked loan market grew exponentially last year. The next growth spurt could be driven by emerging markets, Michael Hurley writes

  • Green bond comment, May 2019

    01 May 2019

    The big debate on transition bonds and a strong start to the market in 2019

  • Corporate green bond issuers 'should have transition strategies'

    07 March 2019

    Investors should base decisions about whether to invest in corporate green bonds on their issuer's forward-looking and low-carbon transition strategy, said panelists at a conference of NGO Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).

  • Green bond comment, March 2019: What role should green bonds play in the energy transition?

    06 March 2019

    Italian oil and gas distribution firm Snam recently issued a 'climate action bond' that divided opinion.

  • Snam's bond should trigger a discussion about 'transition bonds', says BNP

    01 March 2019

    An underwriter of Snam's 'climate action bond' has launched an impassioned defence of the issue, arguing that issues such as this are needed to help companies from high-emitting sectors to transition to lower-carbon business models.