
  • Macquarie and BT Pension push TPI support past $20trn

    16 October 2020

    Membership of the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) has surged past the $20 trillion milestone, just over three years after it was launched.

  • UK "could spur more sovereign 'green+' bonds" in runup to COP

    08 October 2020

    The UK government has been urged to issue a 'green+ bond' that could be imitated by other sovereigns looking to raise the ambition of their climate goals in the run-up to COP26.

  • BlueOrchard sees strong H1 despite Covid-19

    30 July 2020

    Impact investment manager BlueOrchard has reported a strong first-half performance, despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • UK finance sector gets new advice on climate-related risks

    30 June 2020
  • BlueOrchard, Schroders developing microfinance relief fund

    11 May 2020

    Impact investor BlueOrchard and Schroders are developing a blended finance fund that will target Covid-19 relief efforts for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in emerging markets.

  • Sustainable investing top priority for insurers

    17 December 2019

    Sustainable investing is a top priority for global insurance companies, Schroders' third annual Institutional Investor Study has revealed.

  • Schroders completes acquisition of impact investor BlueOrchard

    01 November 2019
  • More data providers could help grow sustainable investments, survey suggests

    29 October 2019

    Growing the amount of sustainability data providers in the market has been identified among the best ways to increase sustainability-themed investments, according to institutional investor respondents to a Schroders survey.

  • The ESG data files - part four: fixed income data

    21 August 2019

    While the availability of sustainability-related data for fixed income investments is catching up with that for equities, much progress remains to be made, Michael Hurley is told

  • ESG data files - part 3, continued: ESG rating providers

    29 July 2019

    The second instalment of this analysis of ESG rating agencies finds that investors are increasingly drilling down into the data that underlies the ratings. Peter Cripps reports.