
  • Back to the (uncertain) future

    12 December 2016

    Despite setbacks in some key markets, the winners of this year's Environmental Finance Market Rankings are generally bullish about the growth of existing trading systems and the creation of new ones

  • Annual Market Rankings winners revealed

    09 December 2016

    Environmental Finance is proud to announce the winners in its 17th Annual Market Rankings.

  • Free tool launched for measuring a fund's carbon footprint

    13 October 2016

    A free online tool that measures the carbon intensity of investment funds, has been launched by US-based NGO As You Sow.

  • Helping cities in developing countries benefit from the green bond market

    05 September 2016

    There are numerous ways in which cities in the 'global South' can tap into the green bond market, argues Padraig Oliver

  • Potential emissions from major companies fall, as investor pressure rises

    28 July 2016

    Potential emissions from the reserves of the largest publicly-traded fossil fuel companies have fallen by 15% in the last year, amid mounting pressure from investors, according to a report from Fossil Free Indexes (FFI).

  • Channeling the power of results-based action to benefit the climate

    Over the course of ten years, South Pole Group has leveraged carbon markets to produce over 100,000 GWh of renewable energy and to unlock 80 million tonnes of CO2 reductions - more than the annual national GHG emissions of Greece.

  • Swedish fund manager offers 'climate-neutral' investments

    13 June 2016

    Ohman, a Stockholm-based fund manager, is offering investors in its sustainable equity funds the possibility of making their investments 'climate-neutral'.

  • Winners of Environmental Finance's Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings see lower prices but remain bullish

    06 June 2016

    Despite another year of low prices, optimism remains high in the voluntary carbon market, according to Environmental Finance's annual survey.

  • Low prices, but high hopes for the voluntary carbon market

    06 June 2016

    Sweeping changes in environmental markets made 2015 a pivotal year for the voluntary carbon credits, according to respondents in Environmental Finance's Voluntary Carbon Market Survey.

  • People Moves

    20 May 2016

    The latest people moves from Carbon Tracker, South Pole, UNFCCC and GGGI