
  • New study will examine emerging risks facing energy finance

    01 October 2014

    A study into the changing risks facing investments in energy infrastructure has been launched by the World Energy Council in partnership with the re/insurance company Swiss Re and advisory firm Marsh & McLennan.

  • Swiss Re to provide $10bn for climate risk by 2020

    24 September 2014

    Swiss Re will offer up to $10 billion in insurance capacity and expertise to deal with climate-related risks over the next five years, CEO Michel Liès told the UN Climate Summit in New York.

  • Bank of America, GE, Schlumberger dropped from Dow Jones sustainability index

    11 September 2014

    General Electric, Bank of America Corp and Schlumberger have all been dropped from the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) this year, following an annual review of constituents carried out by sustainable investment specialist RobecoSAM.

  • First-half catastrophe losses fall to $21bn, says Swiss Re

    27 August 2014

    First-half catastrophe losses, both natural and man-made, are likely to cost the re/insurance market in the region of $21 billion, according to analysis by Swiss Re.

  • Weather and Catastrophe Risk: The winds of change

    09 December 2013

    Winners in the weather risk market are increasingly seeing demand for risk protection broaden beyond the conventional energy market. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • Axa sets record with euro-denominated cat bond

    16 October 2013

    French insurance group Axa has issued the largest euro-denominated catastrophe bond to date.

  • Renewables: a hotspot for the weather risk market

    23 September 2013

    Requests for weather risk products from renewable energy developers and investors are mounting, providing market participants with long sought-after new demand. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • Weather risk demand to rise as institutional investors buy renewables assets

    20 September 2013

    Weather risk products will increasingly be used to help European utilities selling their stakes in renewables assets to more risk-averse institutional investors, a conference heard.

  • RenRe Energy Advisors sold for 'mid double-digit million dollars'

    03 September 2013

    Munich Re is to pay a "mid double-digit million" dollar price to acquire RenRe Energy Advisors, a leading weather derivatives dealer, from Bermuda-based RenaissanceRe Holdings.

  • Floods leave insurers with $8bn of claims in H1

    22 August 2013

    This calendar year is already the second most expensive on record in terms of insured losses caused by floods, a report has claimed, after an estimated $8 billion of claims in the first-half.