
  • People Moves 26 August: ISSB, Barclays, Citi, Swiss Re, BCG and more...

    26 August 2022
  • Swiss Re says impact insurance could evolve into market 'staple'

    01 August 2022

    Swiss Re, one of the world's largest reinsurers, would "like to see a convergence of impact investing and the insurance industry", commenting that 'impact insurance' helps the impact space attract more traditional investors.

  • UBS, SwissRe join carbon capture scale-up

    23 May 2022
  • Allianz to halt investments in new oil and gas fields

    03 May 2022

    And will require 'net-zero by 2050' commitment from hydrocarbon producers

  • Swiss Re: Lloyd's Lab entry will target private market ESG data issues

    29 April 2022

    Swiss Re has vowed to address insurers' problems with sourcing environmental, social and governance (ESG) data from private companies, via a venture that has gained entry into Lloyd's of London's insurtech accelerator programme.

  • Marine insurers back principles to decarbonise shipping

    17 December 2021

    Swiss Re and Scor are among the major players involved in the venture

  • Swiss Re 'whipsawed' by demand for weather protection

    01 December 2021

    The weather derivatives arm of Zurich-based reinsurance company Swiss Re was "whipsawed" this year by demand for protection against cold weather...

  • Climate risk means property cat losses could rise 120% by 2040

    07 September 2021

    Climate risk could hike insured property catastrophe losses by 90 to 120% by 2040 in key markets such as China, the UK, France and Germany, according to Swiss Re.

  • Technological advances lower barriers to entry for spatial finance, study finds

    16 July 2021

    Financial institutions are increasingly using 'spatial finance' data to assess climate risk after technological advances

  • Insurance giants form Net-Zero Insurance Alliance

    12 July 2021