
  • Insurers reach 'tipping point' on climate change

    29 November 2017

    Concerns about climate change are influencing the underwriting and investment policies of a growing number of insurance companies, finds Graham Cooper

  • Wind hedging could soar as price supports fades, says WindEurope

    29 November 2017

    Demand for protection against adverse wind conditions hitting wind power generators' revenues could soar as government support for renewables declines, according to WindEurope.

  • 'Best-in-class' sustainability index planned for Europe

    28 November 2017

    A 30-stock European index of 'best-in-class' sustainability performers is due to be launched on 1 December.

  • Insurers urged to build relations with governments

    15 November 2017

    Insurers should work harder to persuade governments to engage with their long-term fiscal responsibilities, which include climate change, according to Stephen Catlin.

  • Swiss and French re/insurers doing most to avoid coal underwriting

    15 November 2017

    Swiss Re, Zurich, Axa and Scor are making the most effort to avoid underwriting the coal industry, according to a report by Unfriend Coal, a network of environmentalists which targets insurers.

  • ESG benchmarks are "ultimate step" for responsible investors

    09 October 2017

    The "ultimate step" for an asset owner looking to integrate sustainability concerns into their investments decisions should be the adoption of environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmarks, Swiss Re has argued.

  • Insured losses from Hurricane Maria could reach $85 billion, says AIR

    26 September 2017

    Insured losses inflicted by Hurricane Maria will be between $40 billion and $85 billion, according to catastrophe modelling firm AIR Worldwide.

  • ESG indexes: in the sweet spot

    20 September 2017

    Billions have flowed into funds tracking ESG indexes or low-carbon indexes in recent months. What are the innovations that will drive further growth, asks Peter Cripps

  • Insurers count the cost of Harvey and Irma

    13 September 2017

    Insurers and their shareholders are breathing a sigh of relief after Hurricane Irma's change of course over Florida resulted in less damage than had been feared.

  • Q&A: Why Swiss Re chose ESG benchmarks

    07 September 2017

    The group's chief investment officer, Guido Fürer, explains why he feels that adopting the ESG benchmarks has been the most meaningful and strategic step in its journey to integrate ESG considerations