TCFD advised to abandon implied temperature rise metric
01 February 2021The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) secretariat should not include in its list of recommended disclosures estimates of the 'climate warming potential' of assets, according to the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI).
Missing metrics: climate vs nature
10 December 2020Data on nature-related risks is more complicated than for climate, explains Nicky Chambers
Carney: AGMs could give investors 'say on transition plans'
26 November 2020Mark Carney has suggested investors could be given an automatic advisory vote on companies' net-zero transition plans, similar to 'say on pay' shareholder rights to vote on executive remuneration.
TCFD eyes new forward-looking metrics
30 October 2020The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is studying the feasibility of recommending 'forward-looking' climate metrics, in what could result in a significant overhaul of sustainability reporting.
Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures 'to be launched in Q1 2021'
15 July 2020Exploratory work for a Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is set to begin in September, ahead of a full task force being launched early next year, a webinar on biodiversity hosted by Environmental Finance heard.
Canadian firms must file TCFD reports to get Covid-19 bailout
12 May 2020Canada has made reporting climate risks a condition of receiving its Covid-19 bailout funding.
EU launches NFRD consultation
21 February 2020The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the review of the non-financial reporting directive (NFRD) on environmental and social issues - which includes a question on whether companies should be required to report in line with the EU's sustainability Taxonomy.
Keep TCFD recommendations voluntary, says Insurance Europe
07 February 2020Lobby group responds to IAIS climate disclosure paper
Framework for SDG disclosures unveiled by accounting bodies
17 January 2020Broad recommendations for disclosures based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been billed as "a new approach to address sustainable development issues".
High-emitters' climate disclosures 'fail to quantify financial impact'
21 October 2019The climate-related financial disclosures by most US and European companies in 'environmentally sensitive' industries do not quantify the potential financial impact of climate change on their business, according to Moody's.