
  • Quotes of the Quarter

    05 October 2015

    Environmental Finance takes a look back at some of the quotes that defined the third quarter of 2015.

  • TIAA-CREF launches low-carbon and ESG funds

    12 August 2015

    TIAA-CREF has become the latest asset manager to launch a low-carbon fund, following in the footsteps of BlackRock, State Street and Amundi, which have brought similar products to market in recent months.

  • BlackRock, AP4 and State Street among buyers of ADB's first green bond

    13 March 2015

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has sold its inaugural, $500 million green bond to 44 investors.

  • 'Impact measurement' helps KfW place record-breaking $1.5 bn green bond

    08 October 2014

    KfW has placed the largest US dollar-denominated green bond yet, which has won plaudits from investors for its impact measurement features.

  • $5trn investor group pushes for sustainability action

    22 May 2014

    There is a "moral, financial and economic case for action" from the investment community to deal with environmental risks that intersect with financial markets, a report published by 11 major investors has claimed.

  • TIAA-CREF takes 50% stake in EDF solar project

    20 May 2014

    US asset manager TIAA-CREF has bought a 50% stake in EDF's largest solar photovoltaic project.

  • Making responsible investment pay

    07 March 2014

    Managers of some of the best performing environmentally themed funds talk about the stocks that boosted returns over the past year, and reveal how they are positioned for the future. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • World Bank issues first floating-rate green bond

    16 January 2014

    The World Bank's International Bank for Reconstruction and Development has issued a $550 million climate bond with an 18-month floating rate.

  • BlackRock, CalSTRS snap up BoA's $500m green bond

    22 November 2013

    BlackRock, California State Teachers' Retirement System and TIAA-CREF were among the investors in Bank of America's first-ever green bond.

  • Green infrastructure needs $1trn/year from institutional investors, says OECD

    21 October 2013

    Governments and policymakers are looking to pension funds, insurance companies and other institutional investors to provide up to $1 trillion a year for green infrastructure, says the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).