
  • Q&A with David Craig, co-chair of the TNFD

    07 June 2021

    The goal of the TNFD is to ensure that nature-related costs and risks are factored into financial flows, and that money is redirected to be nature positive, Craig tells Michael Hurley

  • TNFD launches with aim to give 'complete picture of nature-related financial risks'

    04 June 2021
  • News round-up: ESAs, BlackRock, Lyxor, Article 29, and more

    18 March 2021
  • France's Article 29: biodiversity disclosure requirements a 'sign of what's to come'

    18 March 2021
  • TNFD to get its own technical expert group

    25 August 2020

    A technical expert group (TEG) is being assembled to help the nascent Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) to deliver on its ambitious remit, Environmental Finance has learned.