
  • India plans climate finance taxonomy

    24 July 2024

    India's Ministry of Finance has announced funding to create a taxonomy to attract climate finance, spanning adaptation and mitigation activities.

  • Investor network urges Japan not to diverge from ISSB

    22 July 2024
  • Investors have 'strong preference' for Capex over Opex in sustainable bonds

    17 July 2024

    Fixed income investors still have a "strong preference" for sustainable bonds focused on capital expenditure (Capex) rather than operational expenditure (Opex), according to a survey by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).

  • Investors likely to pressure companies for high quality assurance, ICGN says

    15 July 2024
  • BBVA Colombia and IFC launch 'world's first' biodiversity bond

    15 July 2024

    BBVA Colombia and the International Finance Corporation have issued the first tranche of a $70 million bond to address the drivers of biodiversity loss.

  • Investors voice 'deep concern' at UK listing rule change that removes voting rights

    11 July 2024

    Investors have voiced "deep concern" at changes to UK listing rules they say threaten the country's position as a leading light on corporate governance and will not deliver the benefits that are claimed.

  • BII lends $20m to African payment processor

    10 July 2024
  • Public sector disclosure standards will help national transition planning, says IPSASB chair

    08 July 2024

    Public sector climate-related disclosure standards analogous to those by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) are expected to help countries prepare transition plans, the chair of the body developing them says.

  • Ground-breaking 'Transition Loan Principles' expected by November

    03 July 2024

    With formal principles on the horizon, the 'transition loan' market could be on the cusp of a new era - a dramatic step-change that could extend into the bond market. Ahren Lester reports

  • M&G increases commitment for responAbility's gender-focused fund

    02 July 2024