Corporate issuer launches third asset-backed green bond
29 April 2016An established green bond issuer is returning to the market with its third asset-backed issue (ABS), which could reach $1.6 billion.
Utility returns to green bond market, with benchmark issue
15 April 2016A utility has returned to the green bond market, after pricing €1 billion ($1.1 billion) of notes, Environmental Finance has learned.
Hyundai launches dollar-denominated green bond
08 March 2016South Korean car giant Hyundai has launched a 'use of proceeds' green bond to finance low-carbon vehicles.
CBI and WBCSD partner on corporate green bonds
29 February 2016Two sustainable business and finance initiatives have joined forces in a bid to boost the corporate green bond market.
Apple's green bond triggers spate of enquiries from other corporates, says BAML
24 February 2016Apple's green bond has prompted a flurry of enquiries from other corporate bond issuers interested in the market's potential, according to a leading underwriter.
Advanced Topics in Green Bonds: Rewards
18 December 2015Green bonds offer a unique set of rewards to investors, argues Phillip Ludvigsen
Solar ABS: Securitising sunshine
19 August 2015After recent issues from SolarCity and Sunrun, how much potential is there for solar asset-backed securitisations, asks Peter Cripps
Solar ABS set to remain at BBB level for time being, says S&P
14 July 2015The credit ratings of solar securitisations are likely to be stuck at low investment grade, at least for the time being, according to Standard & Poor's (S&P).
$531.8bn of green bonds remain unlabelled, says research
08 July 2015The green bond market would be $531.8 billion larger if all eligible bonds were labelled, according to the latest figures on the market.
Green bond comment: An encouraging quarter
01 July 2015When Environmental Finance's small-but-dedicated team of green bond aficionados totted up all the green bond issues from the first quarter of 2015, the numbers were a little disappointing, says Peter Cripps.