
  • Transition-focused index backed by Church of England pension

    30 January 2020

    The pension board of the Church of England (CofE) has allocated £600 million ($780 million) to a fund tracking a first-of-its-kind, custom-made, climate transition index, and issued a rallying call for other pension funds to follow.

  • Airlines failing investors on carbon disclosure, TPI warns

    05 March 2019

    None of the world’s 20 largest publicly listed airlines has set a target that clearly specifies how it will reduce its flight emissions after 2025, according to the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI).

  • Low-carbon index will use TPI to reward climate leaders, says pension fund

    03 September 2018

    A new low-carbon index will look to use analysis by the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) to increase or decrease the amount of capital allocated to listed companies based on their current and future performance on climate-related issues.

  • Divest from oil and gas by 2023, £12bn Church of England instructed

    09 July 2018

    The Church of England has agreed to divest from oil and gas firms by 2023 unless they can demonstrate sufficient efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change.

  • TPI plans new index to accelerate low-carbon transition

    03 July 2018

    The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) – an asset-owner led initiative backed by more than $9.3 trillion in assets – plans to create a new, global, low-carbon equity index.

  • TPI hails watershed moment for investors in oil and gas

    21 March 2018

    A Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) study of disclosures by Shell, Total and Petrobras can "fundamentally change the game" for investors hoping to pressure oil majors into reducing their carbon emissions.

  • Tesla is top CO₂ performer but lags in disclosure, TPI says

    14 February 2018

    Electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla is the best performer in the automobile sector in terms of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, but is let down by its disclosure on the issue, a report has found.

  • £17bn Church Investors Group to crack down on climate laggards

    07 February 2018

    The UK's Church Investors Group (CIG) will take a harder line on companies failing to take action on climate change by voting against the re-election of directors, as part of its updated proxy voting policy.

  • Utilities that are renewables leaders have competitive advantage - S&P

    12 June 2017

    European utilities companies that are market leaders in renewables have a clear competitive advantage as the sector transforms, according to a report by S&P.

  • North American electricity utilities trail European counterparts in transition to low-carbon economy

    09 June 2017

    Electricity utilities are, on average, not reducing emissions fast enough to be in line with a scenario that would limit climate change to the Paris Agreement's 2°C target, a Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) study has found.