
  • Judging the credibility of transition plans, part one

    26 July 2024

    Investors preparing for a wave of transition plan disclosures face a complicated task to determine 'what good looks like', Michael Hurley writes

  • ISSB tie-up with TPT sees it join crowded field of transition planning guidance

    24 June 2024

    The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will provide guidance on climate transition planning following an agreement to "assume responsibility for" the UK Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT)'s disclosure-specific materials.

  • ISO transition plan standard working group targets COP30 launch

    08 May 2024

    A group developing a proposed international standard for net zero transition planning by financial institutions aims to deliver it within 18 months, at the COP30 UN climate conference in Brazil next year.

  • 'Regulators could follow TCFD example' by making TPT mandatory

    11 April 2024

    Guidance on 'gold standard' climate transition plans could be implemented in UK regulation, following the example of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), according to a senior lawyer.

  • Transition Plan Taskforce unveils financial institution sectoral guides as regulation looms

    09 April 2024

    Sector-specific guides on climate transition plan disclosure by asset owners, asset managers, banks and corporates in high-emitting sectors have been published by a group whose work is being closely watched by regulators preparing to govern the practice.

  • TPT mandate extended two years

    25 January 2024
  • 2024 outlook: Sand in the gears of sustainable finance policy

    03 January 2024

    Looming elections and burgeoning disclosure regimes point to a slowdown in sustainable finance policymaking, but the spectre of fines for greenwashing is on the rise, Michael Hurley writes

  • Carbon credits endorsed in 'gold standard' transition plans

    10 October 2023

    Carbon market participants welcomed the potential inclusion of carbon credits as part of a guidance on 'gold standard' transition plans.

  • Transition plans urged to identify transition nature impacts

    09 October 2023

    Organisations have been urged to identify how their efforts to transition will impact nature and society, and disclose these as part of their transition plans.

  • UK 'Gold standard' transition plan framework released

    09 October 2023

    The Transition Plan Taskforce has published its final 'gold standard' framework for transition plans, which should pave the way for mandatory transition plan disclosure in the UK.