
  • People Moves, 21 June: GEF, TNFD, GRI, S&P Trucost, UBS ... and more

    21 June 2024
  • S&P: Water scarcity will be 'greatest climate threat' to assets by 2050

    23 September 2021

    Water stress will be the greatest climate-related hazard to corporate physical assets by 2050

  • News round-up: BlackRock, Eurazeo, CBL, COP26 and Standard Chartered

    20 April 2021
  • Why are data providers flocking to impact? Part three: Trucost

    10 February 2021

    How does Trucost help investors measure and report their impact, Michael Hurley asks

  • Richard Mattison on how ESG data needs to improve

    15 January 2021

    There are three main areas that environmental, social and governance (ESG) data needs to focus on to improve, says the CEO of Trucost, part of S&P Global

  • S&P's ESG capabilities boosted by $44bn IHS Markit merger

    30 November 2020

    Financial services giant S&P has agreed to merge with data provider IHS Markit, in a mega deal that will boost S&P's already-considerable environmental, social and governance (ESG) firepower.

  • News round-up: Investor group urges coal exit, ESG index numbers jump, Franklin Templeton boosts social assets

    06 November 2020

    $5trn UN-convened global alliance calls for thermal coal exit

  • GPIF predicts equity boost and bond pain from more stringent climate policies

    08 October 2020

    The largest pension fund in the world has estimated its equity portfolio could experience an accelerating valuation boost if more stringent climate policy restrictions are introduced to reach global targets, whereas its corporate bond portfolio could suffer deeper losses as policy tightens.

  • DWS launches 'smart' ESG investment approach

    27 May 2020

    Asset manager DWS has announced stricter environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment criteria, focused on identifying and engaging with firms with high climate transition risk and violators of international sustainability standards.

  • Nasdaq launches ESG impact tracking tool

    14 May 2020

    Nasdaq has launched a tool to help clients track the environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact of their portfolios and individual investments.