
  • The dawn of a new age for reporting?

    22 September 2017

    The TCFD has challenged companies to up their game on reporting climate-related risks. But how will the market respond, asks Peter Cripps

  • TCFD recommendations could improve credit rating process, says S&P

    21 August 2017

    Increased corporate reporting of climate related risks – as called for by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) – should help S&P Global improve its credit rating process, the company said.

  • Trucost launches TCFD reporting tool

    15 August 2017

    A tool that helps companies report in line with the FSB's Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations has been launched by Trucost, part of S&P Dow Jones Indices.

  • US asset owners are waking up to climate change

    31 July 2017

    There is increasing evidence that US investors are factoring climate change into their investment decisions, argues Meg Voorhes

  • Sustainable finance experts call for European standard for green bonds

    14 July 2017

    An official European standard and label for green bonds should be developed, according to the High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Sustainable Finance, appointed by the European Commission.

  • The legal risks of reporting climate risks

    27 June 2017

    The Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures' recommendations were widely welcomed by the market. But are there legal risks attached to their implementation, asks Hamza Ali

  • Latin America index best prepared for low-carbon transition

    10 May 2017

    S&P's Latin American index offers the best support for the transition to a low-carbon economy despite having scored badly on its carbon footprint, according to a new index measuring scorecard launched by S&P Trucost.

  • Businesses offered tool to assess financial impact of poor water quality

    22 March 2017

    A method of assessing the financial impact on a business of inadequate water quality has been added to the Water Risk Monetizer tool offered by US company Ecolab.

  • ERAFP selects climate change consultants following Article 173

    23 January 2017

    The French public services additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has awarded mandates to consultancy firms to advise on its portfolio's climate risk to help it respond to article 173, which compels asset owners in France to report on these risks.

  • People Moves - Kommuninvest, PRI, GIB, Bluesource, South Pole, Impax

    18 November 2016

    Swedish public sector lender Kommuninvest has appointed senior investor relations manager Bjorn Bergstrand as its head of sustainability.