
  • S&P green bond evaluation tool to launch 'early next year'

    18 November 2016

    S&P Global Ratings, formerly known as Standard & Poor's, will launch its green bond evaluation tool early next year, after beefing up its methodology for adaptation technologies, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • EF BRIEFS: Paris Agreement, Canada, Indianapolis, S&P DJI/Trucost

    04 October 2016

    The European Parliament has voted to ratify the Paris Agreement, edging the landmark treaty closer to implementation.

  • Green bond fund reveals greenhouse gas savings

    26 September 2016

    A major green bond fund estimates that every €1 million invested in the fund avoids, or prevents, emissions equivalent to 1,400 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

  • S&P Global Ratings develops green bond and ESG assessment tools

    09 September 2016

    S&P Global Ratings is developing a green bond evaluation tool, making it the latest in a series of players to launch a product to help investors quantify the green credentials of an issue.

  • Trucost launches methodology for rating Chinese green bonds

    07 September 2016

    Environmental data-provider Trucost has partnered with Golden Credit Rating to launch a framework for assessing the environmental impact of Chinese green bonds.

  • First fund tracking innovative resource efficiency index launches

    07 September 2016

    An innovative index that comprises companies that are efficient in relation to the consumption of energy, food and water (EFW) has licensed its first fund.

  • France plans to become first sovereign green bond issuer next year

    02 September 2016

    France has reconfirmed its plan to become the first sovereign issuer of a green bond, after it revealed plans to tap the market next year with a multi-billion euro issue.

  • S&P DJI makes £14 million offer for Trucost

    16 August 2016

    S&P Dow Jones Indices (DJI) has made a £14.215 million ($18.5 million) bid to acquire environmental data-provider Trucost, in the second example of consolidation in the market in recent months.

  • Profile: Inflection Point's Carbon Zero strategy

    04 July 2016

    Inflection Point's Carbon Zero strategy offers a way for investors to lower the carbon intensity of their portfolio, and has the potential to outperform. Taylor Telford reports

  • Tell me more: a call for better disclosure on green bond impacts

    14 April 2016

    A consultation paper argues that assessing the impact of green bonds could lead to preferential pricing - but better reporting is needed first. Peter Cripps reports