UBS: We need NDCs for nature
11 June 2024The next biodiversity COP needs to deliver progress on how countries plan to achieve the landmark '30-by-30' targets agreed at the previous meeting in Montreal, to incentive investment, UBS has said.
Agri-food sector 'structurally unprepared' to transition smoothly, warns UBS
18 April 2024The agri-food industry is "structurally unprepared" to meet sustainability goals smoothly, UBS has warned, as it calls on governments to support the market on the issue.
Building a green premium in real estate
04 April 2024An updated EU regulation is set to raise the game for energy-efficient buildings, which could have big implications for real estate investors. Michael Hurley reports
Australia debut green bond expected from mid-May
22 March 2024Australia will issue its debut 10-year sovereign green bond between mid-May and the end of June, it emerged, as the sovereign announced it will launch investor roadshows from April.
UBS: Nature-based solutions suffer a lack of confidence
26 January 2024Nature-based solutions suffer a lack of confidence that they can deliver "real climate mitigation", warned UBS, which called for a "critical reassessment" of the science, rules and norms that govern them.
2024 will be key to defining quality shareholder engagement, says UBS
18 January 2024The coming year will see greater emphasis on outcomes of shareholder engagement on ESG issues, according to UBS Asset Management.
Nature investments 'sit uncomfortably' with investor needs, says UBS
15 January 2024Nature investments currently struggle to offer investors the stable returns they need to invest, UBS has warned, calling for more transition finance opportunities and better data to help scale up capital flows.
ESG 'outperformed' traditional portfolios over last decade, says UBS
21 December 2023Integrating ESG considerations into investment portfolios would have led to higher financial returns and "enhanced" stock selection, UBS has said, in analysis of financial performance in the last decade.
People Moves, 3 November: Fidelity, Blue Earth Capital, FoSDA, Low Carbon and more
03 November 2023 -
SME GHG emissions reporting 'disjointed', says Bankers for Net-Zero
28 September 2023