
  • Banking sector needs 'radically different approach' to sustainability, says KPMG

    30 June 2015

    The European banking sector must adopt a "radically different approach" to sustainability, KPMG has warned.

  • TerraForm Power ups latest fundraising target to $690m

    19 June 2015

    TerraForm Power has increased its target for its latest share offering to $690 million.

  • TerraForm Power to pay down debt with $500m share placement

    18 June 2015

    TerraForm Power is planning to pay off some of its debt by raising $500 million through a share offering.

  • KfW comes to market with kanga green bond

    30 March 2015

    KfW has issued its first green bond in Australian dollars.

  • Large investors accused of weak sustainable investment policies on forestry

    11 February 2015

    Most institutional investors have "poorly developed sustainable investment policies" regarding forest commodities, according to Forest 500, an initiative of the Global Canopy Programme (GCP), a UK-based think tank.

  • HASI raises $62.6m of equity, beating target

    03 November 2014

    Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital (HASI) has raised $62.6 million in an equity raise, beating its original target.

  • HASI to raise $54.4m of equity

    28 October 2014

    Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital (HASI) is to return to the equity market in a bid to raise $54.4 million.

  • Property group Stockland issues Australia's first green bond

    27 October 2014

    Property company Stockland has issued a €300 million ($380 million) seven year green bond, the first from an Australian issuer.

  • Carbon price to triple in 2015 if 'optimistic' package is agreed by EU, says UBS

    03 October 2014

    The price of carbon in the EU could triple next year if new regulation was introduced, say analysts at UBS.

  • Divestment campaigns 'won't cause fossil fuel share price collapse - yet'

    03 October 2014

    Divestment campaigns will fail to bring about a rapid collapse in the value of fossil fuel companies, but they demonstrate a strong will to embrace renewables that will revolutionise the energy sector, analysts have forecast.