
  • COP15: $24trn investor group calls for agreement on Global Biodiversity Framework

    13 December 2022

    150 financial institutions representing over $24 trillion in assets under management have called on countries to adopt a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15).

  • People Moves 28 October: Japan FSA, NGFS, Alpha Real Capital ... and more

    28 October 2022
  • People moves 16 September: State Street, UBS, US SIF ... and more

    16 September 2022
  • US states target ESG investment as US SIF hits back at 'political' attacks

    25 August 2022

    Politicians in two US states have launched anti-environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment policies, whilst the US SIF has published an 'ESG Truths' website amid growing "politically motivated and simplistic attacks" on ESG in the country.

  • Biodiversity COP and finance

    15 August 2022

    Ahead of the COP15 biodiversity conference in December, Thomas Cox asks financial experts their hopes for the event

  • APAC investors call on ISSB to differentiate standards for developed markets

    27 July 2022
  • UBS: We need biodiversity stress tests

    21 July 2022

    Finance needs to adopt a stress-testing approach for biodiversity loss, and should "expect" to see them introduced following climate stress tests, Swiss investment bank UBS said.

  • Private banks' ESG boom tempered by greenwashing concern

    20 June 2022

    Private banks have grown their sustainable investing product offering significantly in recent years, driven by client demand and regulation - but 'concern' remains about unsubstantiated claims of positive impact, researchers have said.

  • Neuberger revamps high yield bond fund to engage on SDGs

    09 June 2022
  • UBS, SwissRe join carbon capture scale-up

    23 May 2022