
  • People moves: NTAM, UBS, Wheb, Lightsource BP and more

    07 May 2021
  • Low-carbon strategies outperform and will continue to do so, says UBS

    04 May 2021
  • Banks with $29trn in assets pledge to set 2050 'net zero' targets

    21 April 2021

    A group of banks with about $28.5 trillion in assets has joined a UN-convened 'Net Zero Banking Alliance', and in doing so pledged to "align operational and attributable emissions from their portfolios with pathways to net-zero by 2050 or sooner".

  • Investor group urges banks to set enhanced net zero targets

    19 April 2021
  • Growing investment opportunity driving family offices' shift to impact

    16 April 2021

    Family office interest in making investments that target positive social or environmental outcomes is on the rise, Michael Hurley writes

  • News round-up: BlackRock, JP Morgan, RBC, UBS, and more

    08 April 2021
  • Proxy season 'to be dominated by social issues'

    08 April 2021
  • News round-up: Linedata, Peloton, Impax, UBS, and more

    17 March 2021
  • UBS launches climate ETF with Solactive

    17 March 2021
  • ESG data: Less is more...

    15 December 2020

    Taxonomies, reporting requirements, and data providers need to take a consistent, common approach, focussing on good rather than great, and embracing less being more, argues Simon Smiles