
  • Investors are optimistic about Exxon and Chevron climate change resolutions

    20 May 2016

    Investors are optimistic of a "positive" result for two shareholder resolutions on climate change at ExxonMobil and Chevron ahead their annual general meetings next week, despite opposition from the companies' boards.

  • Norges Bank gives boost to Exxon and Chevron climate change resolutions

    05 May 2016

    Norges Bank's backing of climate change resolutions at ExxonMobil and Chevron will boost investor confidence in their outcome, according to one engagement specialist.

  • Investors representing $6trn back climate change resolution at ExxonMobil

    13 April 2016

    Investors representing $6 trillion of assets under management (AUM) have thrown their weight behind a shareholder resolution demanding that ExxonMobil disclose the impact of climate change policy on its business.