
  • Call to financiers to fund emerging markets renewables revolution

    28 October 2013

    Financiers need to help the renewables industry shift its focus from the "dying" Western subsidies market and embrace the "phenomenal revolution" in emerging markets, a conference heard.

  • NGOs claim victory as Arctic drilling platform plans scrapped

    25 October 2013

    Plans to build two Arctic oil drilling platforms have been scrapped after environmentalists warned the project's financiers that the activities would jeopardise the future of one of the most endangered whale species.

  • 'Climate finance' investments fall in 2012 as 2°C target drifts further away

    22 October 2013

    The amount of climate finance invested fell last year to $359 billion, a study has revealed, with private investments showing a marked slowdown.

  • Terra Firma to float '£1.5bn' Infinis

    21 October 2013

    Private equity giant Terra Firma's Infinis Energy is set to become the latest renewables firm to tap the public markets after it announced plans for a float that could value the company at £1.5 billion ($2.4 billion).

  • Samsung agrees finance for Canada's largest solar project

    16 October 2013

    Samsung Renewable Energy has formed a partnership with investment firm Connor, Clark & Lunn Infrastructure and the native Canadian community Six Nations of the First River, to provide equity finance for Canada's largest solar energy project.

  • People moves

    16 October 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, including appointments at the Green Climate Fund, Global Reporting Initiative, Green Investment Bank, Trillium Asset Management and more

  • Accountants call for action on 'stranded assets'

    14 October 2013

    Companies should measure the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions stored within their fossil fuel reserves and account for them, according to Warren Allen, president of the International Federation of Accountants.

  • Norway's 'oil fund' to exclude companies over environmental concerns

    14 October 2013

    Norway's government pension fund will exclude four companies that pose a risk to the environment from its investment universe, the government announced today, just one week after revealing it is considering establishing a renewables mandate for the $790 billion fund.

  • Number of operational CCS projects up 50%, but total pipeline shrinks

    10 October 2013

    The number of operational carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects has risen by 50% in the past year, but the overall pipeline has taken a hit after 12 projects were cancelled or put on hold, according to a report.

  • Northern lights

    10 October 2013

    While many countries covet the US shale gas revolution, could Scandinavia help lead a more sustainable revolution in Europe?