
  • Impact fund selection: weeding out 'window dressing'

    13 November 2023

    Impact-focused limited partners are using frameworks including the EU's SFDR to root out misleading claims of impact. Michael Hurley reports

  • UN Joint Staff Pension Fund announces coal divestment

    25 September 2019

    The UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) plans to divest from publicly traded companies in the coal energy sector, and has ruled out making new investments in the sector across all asset classes.

  • Majority of world’s largest pension funds neglect climate risk, says AODP

    10 September 2018

    Nearly two thirds of the world’s largest pension funds have little or no disclosed strategy on climate change, potentially putting them at risk of breaching their fiduciary duty to savers, according to a study by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP).

  • Kommuninvest issues largest ever SEK green bond

    19 October 2016

    Swedish public sector lender Kommuninvest has priced the largest ever Swedish krona green bond, raising some SEK5 billion ($570 million).

  • IFC issues second $1bn green bond of 2013

    06 November 2013

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched its second $1 billion green bond of 2013, and called on other development banks to follow it with more 'benchmark' issues.