
  • Insurers' oil and gas activities to be next under spotlight

    18 June 2020

    Re/insurers around the world should limit their support for oil and gas projects and have until mid-September to explain the measures they are taking to reduce exposure to the sector, according to environmental NGOs.

  • Support 'green and fair' recovery from Covid-19, NGOs urge insurers

    30 April 2020

    Insurers and their trade associations are under pressure from climate activists to ensure a "green and fair" recovery from the Covid-19 crisis.

  • Insurance, pandemics and climate change

    10 April 2020

    Insurers have long been aware of the risks of a global pandemic, but have failed to act. They mustn't make the same mistake on climate change, Peter Bosshard writes

  • What will 2020 bring for coal insurance?

    15 January 2020

    The year ahead could see new insurers join the industry's shift away from coal, says Peter Bosshard.

  • Aviva launches workplace pension scheme based on ESG funds

    04 July 2019

    Aviva has launched a default workplace pension scheme that will incorporate ESG and ethical considerations, based on the Aviva Stewardship funds.

  • Tokio Marine hits back at coal involvement claims

    04 December 2018

    Using clean technologies preferable to singling out coal, insurer says

  • Environmentalists slam US insurers for backing coal

    03 December 2018

    Asia-Pacific firms fare slightly better; Swiss Re and Axa earn top marks

  • Hannover Re defends coal investing

    12 November 2018

    Reply to criticism comes on heels of Vienna Insurance Group's own defence

  • Generali and VIG accused of insuring Czech coal power plant

    05 November 2018

    Campaign group Unfriend Coal claims insurance deal 'undermines climate change action'

  • Insurers underperform on ESG integration, says Vigeo Eiris

    22 August 2018

    The insurance industry must work harder to improve its consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, according to a report which ranked it 23rd out of 39 industries for its performance on reporting and integration.