
  • CA100+ companies 'not walking the talk on climate', says AI-driven analysis

    19 June 2024

    High-emitting companies targeted by investor engagement are failing to evidence the climate action promised by their public targets, an artificial intelligence (AI)-based analysis of their transition planning has found.

  • Nature risks bigger threat to the economy than Global Financial Crisis, warns GFI

    25 April 2024

    Nature risks could cause more damage to the UK economy than the Global Financial Crisis, the Green Finance Institute has said, warning that large UK financial institutions are also not doing enough to mitigate the risks in their portfolio.

  • Climate Bonds Initiative names advisory board, to consult on new climate resilience taxonomy

    29 February 2024
  • Nature-based solutions boosted in offsetting principles update

    27 February 2024

    A set of principles designed to bring credibility to the "failing" voluntary carbon markets have been updated to place greater importance on the role of nature-based solutions.

  • COP28: Export credit agencies launch net-zero alliance

    08 December 2023
  • Oxford launches Sustainable Finance lab

    20 July 2022
  • Climate lawsuits could win with better use of evidence, Oxford study finds

    29 June 2021

    Better use of scientific evidence could help prove in court that corporations are liable for weather damage due to the impact of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on climate change, a University of Oxford study has found.

  • Financing costs fall for renewable power projects, soar for coal

    19 April 2021
  • Defining transition finance: how to be inclusive yet specific

    28 September 2020

    Transition finance has garnered a lot of attention, but the challenge of delineating what exactly it is remains unresolved. Three recent reports try to balance the need for the definition to be both broad enough to be inclusive, yet specific enough to protect the instruments from claims of greenwashing. Ahren Lester reports.

  • Can impact be the guiding star for corporates?

    21 September 2020

    The Value Balancing Alliance's methodologies for assessing companies' net impact will define the future of corporate decision making, Christian Heller tells Michael Hurley