
  • People moves, 11 August: Barclays, Finnish church pension fund, GSIA, Verra ... and more

    11 August 2023
  • ICVCM finalises carbon credit certification assessment

    27 July 2023

    The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) has finalised its carbon credit benchmark, by launching criteria on how to assess which carbon credit categories are eligible for its "best-in-class" certification label.

  • Verra calls for projects to pilot nature credits framework

    07 July 2023
  • Verra revises methodology for agricultural land carbon

    09 June 2023

    Verra has released a second version of its carbon standard methodology for agricultural land management.

  • People moves, 26 May: Verra, Allianz GI, Standard Chartered, Federated Hermes ... and more

    26 May 2023
  • Integrity Council's core carbon principles launched

    30 March 2023

    The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) has released its principles for high-quality carbon credits, which it hopes will help boost confidence in the market.

  • Verra defends REDD forestry credits

    21 March 2023

    The CEO of Verra has hit back at media reports criticising the firm's forestry standard, describing some of the claims as preposterous.

  • World Bank issues 'unique' carbon credit-linked bond

    15 February 2023

    The World Bank has raised $50 million from an outcomes-based bond which links its coupon payments to verified carbon credits generated by a water purification project, described as a "unique" and "important" deal by investors backing the transaction.

  • Tradeable units - a key ingredient for scaling investment in nature

    10 February 2023

    Verra is working to identify a unit that can be understood by the market in order to be traded, but that also reflects the fact that nature is not fungible, says Sinclair Vincent

  • Verra speaks out on tradability of nature credits

    10 February 2023

    Verra has confronted the controversial topic of whether nature credits can be tradable, following a debate on the topic.