
  • Central banks and regulators 'need to play their part' to tackle deforestation

    17 July 2024
  • Countries need legal obligation to protect nature, says WWF

    17 July 2024
  • Webinar: How central banks are exploring deforestation risks

    10 July 2024

    Central banks are gaining new insights into financial risks associated with deforestation and other land use changes and are encouraging widespread uptake of a novel framework to assess these risks, an Environmental Finance webinar heard.

  • Why central banks are paying attention to deforestation

    08 July 2024
  • CA100+ companies 'not walking the talk on climate', says AI-driven analysis

    19 June 2024

    High-emitting companies targeted by investor engagement are failing to evidence the climate action promised by their public targets, an artificial intelligence (AI)-based analysis of their transition planning has found.

  • 73% of South African financial institutions not setting nature targets

    13 June 2024
  • CSDDD gets formal sign-off from EU countries

    24 May 2024
  • EU investigates how to mobilise private capital for low- and middle-income countries

    01 May 2024
  • CSDDD agreed, in watershed moment, but is weakened to 'shadow of former self'

    15 March 2024

    The EU passed a landmark sustainability reporting law which, although significantly weakened from previous versions, was described as "a watershed moment for corporate accountability".

  • Webinar Q&A: WWF and MAS on 'green' central banking and regulation

    14 February 2024

    Regulators are bolstering their work on transition planning and nature as they look to support the transition to net zero, Annabelle Palmer reports