
  • What is the future of high-yield green bonds?

    04 March 2015

    There has been only a handful of high-yield green bonds to date, but this segment of the market has potential to grow. Impact reporting and the relaxation of restrictions on issuers are two ways in which high-yield paper may differ from investment grade issues, argue Aaron Franklin and Francesco Lione.

  • Modi's $300bn renewables ambition for India

    27 February 2015

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans to spur a boom in renewables. Charles Yates looks at the opportunity – and some of the challenges – that lie ahead

  • World Bank sells 30-year green bond to Zurich

    20 February 2015

    The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD or World Bank) has issued a 30-year green bond exclusively for Zurich Insurance Group.

  • Deutsche Bank launches €1bn green bond portfolio

    20 February 2015

    Deutsche Bank has pledged to buy €1 billion ($1.1 billion) of green bonds, in a further sign of confidence in the market's prospects.

  • World Bank launches its biggest US dollar green bond

    20 February 2015

    The World Bank, through its International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has issued its largest US dollar-denominated green bond, raising $600 million.

  • Development banks in initiative to harmonise green bond impact reporting

    13 February 2015

    A number of multilateral development banks (MDBs) are working together to produce harmonised guidelines for reporting the impacts of green bonds, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • First-time issuers and IFIs to boost 2015 green bond market, says Morgan Stanley

    12 February 2015

    The green bond market will continue to be boosted this year by first-time issuers, including financial institutions, according to a green bonds specialist at Morgan Stanley.

  • Investors call for green bond standards

    10 February 2015

    A group of more than 20 buyers of green bonds have called for the development of standards to help the fledgling market's rapid growth continue.

  • World Bank issues first green bond in Indian rupees

    23 January 2015

    The World Bank has issued its first green bond in Indian rupees.

  • Green bond pioneer reflects on record-breaking year

    16 January 2015

    SEB held on to its position as top green bond underwriter in 2014. Christopher Flensborg tells Peter Cripps how he plans to remain a "thought leader" in the emerging market