
  • Green bond issues to 'at least double' this year, says HSBC

    28 January 2014

    Green bond issues are set to double to around $25 billion this year, on the back of strong momentum in January and a surge of activity in 2013, HSBC has forecast.

  • World Bank issues first floating-rate green bond

    16 January 2014

    The World Bank's International Bank for Reconstruction and Development has issued a $550 million climate bond with an 18-month floating rate.

  • Looking back at 2013

    18 December 2013

    Stranded assets, retroactive subsidy cuts and backloading were among the themes that dominated the markets in 2013. Peter Cripps looks back on some of the highs and lows of the past 12 months.

  • Derisking renewables

    05 December 2013

    A cocktail of risks has hampered investment in low-carbon technologies. Public-backed guarantees, among others, should increasingly be used to help the capital flow, argues Gianleo Frisari

  • Environmental investment opportunities in emerging markets

    26 November 2013

    There are compelling opportunities for the private sector to make profitable investments in the most energy inefficient area of the world, argues Dimitris Tsitsiragos

  • Swiss insurance firm to invest $1bn in green bonds

    19 November 2013

    A Swiss insurance company said it aims to invest up to $1 billion in climate bonds, providing a major boost for the fledgling green bond market.

  • People moves

    04 November 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, covering companies including the World Bank, Aberdeen Asset Management, Principles for Responsible Investment, Sindicatum, E.On, PwC and more

  • World Bank seeks new carbon head

    24 October 2013

    Joëlle Chassard is to retire as manager of the World Bank's carbon finance unit at the end of the month, according to a newsletter from the Bank.

  • Stern backs new climate change economics study ahead of Paris 2015

    24 September 2013

    Businesses and government leaders have launched a project to analyse impacts of climate change on the economy, backed by leading economist Nicholas Stern.

  • UK commissions research into renewables policy risk

    20 August 2013

    The UK government is to commission a study into how best to combat the policy risk that suppresses investment in renewable energy, Environmental Finance has learned.