
  • The 'horse has bolted': Challenge to CSDDD & CSRD likely to fail, say observers

    05 July 2024

    A proposal by EU parliamentarians to delay and weaken reporting requirements under landmark EU sustainability regulations has been dismissed as "political gesturing" and is likely to fail, according to observers.

  • Swathes of world's largest companies 'way off' meeting CSDDD

    02 July 2024

    About 80% of the world's largest companies fail to meet any key elements of human rights due diligence, illustrating the urgent need for guidance as most of these companies brace for incoming EU regulation, according to a ranking of companies.

  • TransitionArc launched to 'supercharge' transition plan analysis

    27 June 2024

    CDP, Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) have collaborated with Climate Arc to launch a "one-stop tool to assess corporate transitions" that a senior executive said would "supercharge" such analysis.

  • WBA consults on transition plan credibility assessment

    20 June 2024
  • Heavy industries must speed up to get on track with emissions targets, says WBA

    30 April 2024

    Heavy industries need to triple carbon emission intensity reduction over the next five years to align with the 1.5°C trajectory, data from the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has found.

  • Belgium pitches pared-back CSDDD in bid to secure EU countries' approval

    06 March 2024

    Belgium has pitched a pared-back version of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in a last-ditch bid to gain approval of other EU countries.

  • Food and agriculture companies lack sustainable expertise on boards

    04 October 2023
  • COP27: Impact reporting 'almost non-existent in the financial sector'

    08 November 2022

    Just 20% of financial institutions publicly acknowledge their impact on people and planet, painting a "dismal picture" for social progress, according to the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA).

  • WBA launches nature benchmark methodology

    25 April 2022

    The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has published the methodology for its forthcoming benchmark that will rank 1,000 companies on their nature-related impacts and dependencies.

  • 99% of companies undermining SDGs on social issues, says WBA

    27 January 2022

    The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has found "a sobering picture" in new data, with 99% of companies "on course to entrench, rather than end, social inequalities" in their efforts to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).