
  • Academics criticise SBTi's 'arbitrary and restrictive' approach

    26 July 2024

    The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has been criticised by a group of academics for taking a "prescriptive" approach to emissions reductions and carbon offsets.

  • Macquarie-led consortium acquires remaining stake in UK's National Gas

    26 July 2024
  • Bpifrance, Zebra Impact leads €27m funding in resistant weed biotech

    26 July 2024
  • Judging the credibility of transition plans, part one

    26 July 2024

    Investors preparing for a wave of transition plan disclosures face a complicated task to determine 'what good looks like', Michael Hurley writes

  • People Moves, 26 July: Greenbank, Moody's LSEG, Cbus ... and more

    26 July 2024
  • SBTi consults on draft net zero standard for financial institutions

    26 July 2024
  • EU sustainability due diligence directive enters force

    26 July 2024
  • Carbon offsetting fund proposed by Arup

    26 July 2024

    Sustainability consultancy Arup has called on the private sector to develop a carbon offsetting fund in the UK as an alternative to "concerning" offsetting practices.

  • Net Zero Asset Managers initiative observes rise of 'bespoke targets', as membership swells

    26 July 2024

    The Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative has noted a rise in signatories setting decarbonisation targets using their own 'bespoke' methodologies, as the group swelled to 325 signatories representing about $57.5 trillion in assets under management.

  • Majority of companies not yet ready to follow CSRD or TNFD, says data provider

    26 July 2024

    Less than one-in-five companies are prepared to report under the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), NatureMetrics has found.