
  • Will there be blood?

    16 July 2014

    The stranded carbon assets debate has gathered steam in the wake of a new report on the oil sector and after fossil fuel giants addressed the issue for the first time. What are the implications for investors, asks Peter Cripps.

  • Shell underestimates 'stranded assets' risk, says Carbon Tracker

    09 July 2014

    Royal Dutch Shell is underestimating the risk that some of its oil and gas reserves could become 'stranded assets' as a result of action to combat climate change, according to the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI), a financial sector think tank.

  • Exxon disappoints investors with response to 'stranded assets' risk

    01 April 2014

    ExxonMobil has rejected the suggestion from several investor groups that much of its fossil-fuel reserves will be rendered 'unburnable', as a result of global efforts to combat climate change.

  • Where will the trail lead next for Carbon Tracker?

    28 February 2014

    In little more than two years since the publication of its pioneering research, the Carbon Tracker Initiative has got the financial world talking about 'unburnable carbon' and 'stranded assets'. Its new CEO Anthony Hobley reveals what's next from the influential think-tank

  • Carbon Tracker appoints senior lawyer as first CEO

    03 December 2013

    Anthony Hobley, global head of sustainability and climate change at law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, is to become the first CEO of the Carbon Tracker Initiative.

  • Call to financiers to fund emerging markets renewables revolution

    28 October 2013

    Financiers need to help the renewables industry shift its focus from the "dying" Western subsidies market and embrace the "phenomenal revolution" in emerging markets, a conference heard.

  • Investors welcome Obama climate plan

    26 June 2013

    Investors are "encouraged" by US President Barack Obama's plan to curb climate change, but warn that the threat of legal challenges could hold back capital deployment.

  • China kicks off carbon trading pilot

    18 June 2013

    China's first carbon trading programme has been welcomed by industry experts as a key step on the road to a national carbon market. Graham Cooper reports

  • Hobley named as CMIA president

    08 March 2013

    Anthony Hobley of law firm Norton Rose has been elected as president of the Climate Markets and Investment Association (CMIA).