
  • People Moves, 15 September: Climate Asset Management, State Street, MSCI... and more

    15 September 2023
  • 193 Chinese green bonds relabelled as 'common ground taxonomy' aligned

    17 July 2023

    China has published a list of 193 Chinese green bonds which it judged as aligned with the EU-China Common Ground Taxonomy (CGT), in an "innovative" move to attract international investment in the domestic sustainable bond market.

  • China green bond principles 'important' but imperfect

    22 August 2022

    Publication of the China GBPs has potential wide-ranging implications for the green bond market, but they remain a work in progress. Ahren Lester reports

  • Bank of China issues first 'blue bonds' in Asia

    22 October 2020

    The Bank of China (BoC) has issued the first blue bonds in Asia, raising nearly $950 million in a transaction described as a "milestone" in the development of financial instruments that help protect the oceans.

  • 'Fewer than one-in-five' emerging market cities can access local capital markets

    09 October 2019

    More should be done to support municipalities in emerging markets to issue green bonds, with less than 20% able to raise funds locally, according to a Hong Kong-based consultant.

  • Hong Kong-listed companies improve carbon disclosure

    23 July 2015

    A report by environmental consultants Trucost has revealed that Hong Kong-listed companies are improving their carbon reporting, although they still lag behind international levels.