
  • UK's net zero review will help 'unlock investment', says Aviva

    13 January 2023

    Recommendations to the UK government on steps it should take to meet net zero targets have been welcomed by investors for their potential to help 'unlock the investment required' for the energy transition.

  • 'Massive' uptick in carbon capture investment is coming, UK advisor says

    23 November 2022

    There is likely to be a significant rise in investment in projects to 'capture' and store carbon dioxide emissions from industry in coming years, but this will rely on significant government support to 'de-risk' private investment, an advisor to the UK Government has said.

  • UK Green Finance Strategy sets disclosure expectations

    02 July 2019

    UK City Minister John Glen ordered companies and large asset owners to disclose climate-related risks by 2022 or face mandatory regulation.