
  • Australian sustainable bond issuance cools amid regulatory scrutiny

    04 August 2023

    Australian corporate issuers have "taken their foot off the pedal" on their sustainable bond plans amid market volatility and increasing scrutiny by regulators looking for cases of 'greenwashing', NAB's David Jenkins tells Ahren Lester.

  • Brunel appoints Jupiter, Mirova to £2.5bn sustainable equity fund

    22 February 2022

    Brunel Pension Partnership has appointed Jupiter Asset Management and Mirova US as additional managers of its rapidly growing £2.5 billion ($3.4 billion) sustainable listed global equities fund.

  • Brunel moves beyond ESG risk mitigation with £1.2bn equities fund

    28 October 2020

    Brunel Pension Partnership has launched a £1.2 billion ($1.6 billion) listed global equities fund that moves beyond mitigating environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, and is focused on investing in companies that make a positive contribution to society.

  • Australian solar ABS set for launch

    11 April 2016

    An Australian rooftop solar lender has announced plans to launch the country's first labelled green asset backed security (ABS).