
  • Impax to acquire SKY Harbor's European assets in fixed income push

    10 July 2024

    UK-based Impax Asset Management has agreed to acquire the European assets of US fund manager SKY Harbor as part of the ongoing expansion of its fixed income capabilities.

  • Impax warns investor sentiment towards green funds could sour

    26 April 2024

    The founding CEO of Impax Asset Management has warned that another disappointing year of returns for 'green' listed equities funds could cause investor sentiment to sour.

  • Regulators' attempts to put labels on sustainable finance are flawed, argues Impax

    26 April 2024

    Impax Asset Management's founding CEO has criticised European efforts to define sustainability labels, but praised the lighter touch approach taken by the regulator in the US.

  • Impax assets take hit in stormy start to 2022

    01 June 2022

    Impax's remarkable run of assets growth has stalled as inflation and concerns about fallout from the Ukraine war hit listed equity markets and dented the asset manager's financial performance in recent months.

  • Impax: Ukraine invasion to 'strengthen sustainability drive'

    14 March 2022
  • Promises, promises ... asset managers and net zero - part two

    14 October 2021

    The second part of this feature explores the power of engagement and why some investors do not want to sign up to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. Thomas Cox reports

  • News round-up: Impax, NZAOA, Credit Suisse and Aviva

    28 May 2021
  • Impax AUM doubles year-on-year to £30bn

    28 May 2021
  • News round-up: GRI, SASB standards 'complementary', BoA boosts ESG financing target, Impax reaches assets milestone ... and more

    09 April 2021
  • Impax assets hit £30bn milestone

    09 April 2021