
  • Can you really make an impact in listed equities?

    21 October 2019

    One of the big debates among impact investors is about whether listed equities investments can really help meet the SDGs. Peter Cripps reports

  • RobecoSAM shifts impact strategy focus to SDGs

    21 January 2019

    RobecoSAM has renamed its impact equities strategy to reflect an increased focus on achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Project to harmonise reporting standards set for launch

    08 August 2018

    The Corporate Reporting Dialogue (CRD), a collaboration of major corporate reporting frameworks and standards, is planning to launch a harmonisation project.

  • Should non-financial reporting frameworks be harmonised?

    08 August 2018

    There is a baffling array of sustainability-focused reporting frameworks and standards. Would it be beneficial to bring them into alignment, asks Elena Johansson.

  • Robeco targets SDG-positive bonds with new credit strategy

    29 May 2018

    Robeco and RobecoSAM have introduced a new fund that will be allocated to bonds issued by corporates in alignment with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Allianz, KB Financial and Westpac named sustainability leaders

    06 February 2018

    German insurer Allianz, Korean bank KB Financial and Australia's Westpac Banking Corp are the top financial sector performers in terms of corporate sustainability, according to Swiss asset manager RobecoSAM.