
  • UK should 'seriously consider' taxonomy timeline after government overhaul

    07 October 2022

    The UK government should reconsider the timeline for its taxonomy of sustainable activities after the entry of Prime Minister Liz Truss' administration, its independent advisory group has said.

  • UK urged to 'uphold net-zero' by investor groups

    23 September 2022
  • Investor groups urge UK to 'learn lessons' from EU on gas in taxonomy

    21 June 2022

    Three institutional investor-focused groups have urged the UK government to exclude natural gas from its proposed 'green' taxonomy, warning that inclusion would "discredit" the value of the green activities list.

  • UK has 'disowned' Dasgupta Review

    18 May 2022

    The UK government has "disowned" the Dasgupta Review into the economics of biodiversity, through failing to act upon its findings, a politician claimed.

  • FCA exec: Greenwashing is 'huge reputational risk'

    17 May 2022

    The financial industry must acknowledge 'greenwashing' and consider how to prevent it, an executive at the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said, warning it is a "huge reputational risk".

  • Gas inclusion would 'debase' UK taxonomy

    16 May 2022

    The UK has been warned that including natural gas in its taxonomy of green activities would "debase" the exercise, and waste an opportunity to show leadership on sustainable finance.

  • UK sustainability disclosure rules will be 'quite different' from EU

    02 December 2021

    Early indications are that UK sustainability disclosure rules will diverge from those in the EU - but one expert warns compatibility must be ensured. Ahren Lester reports

  • Ground-breaking UK climate disclosure plans strengthened with TCFD, scenario analysis rules

    29 October 2021

    The long-awaited UK government response to a consultation on its mandatory climate disclosure plans for major companies...

  • UK pension funds to be required to publish TCFD reports

    27 January 2021

    Large UK pension funds are set to be required to report in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures from October.