
  • People moves, 21 July: TPI, CDP, Barclays ... and more

    21 July 2023
  • G20 backs new initiative to promote green growth

    11 June 2015

    The G20 group of major economies has added its weight to efforts to mobilise more private capital to support sustainable green growth.

  • Commission eyes 'stability reserve' to support EU ETS

    21 January 2014

    The European Commission is expected to announce tomorrow plans to set up a reserve of emission allowances to help revive the EU's troubled emissions trading system (ETS).

  • Could a central bank rescue the EU ETS?

    07 August 2013

    With the EU ETS on its knees amid an oversupply of allowances, it is time to set up a 'Central Carbon Bank' to oversee the market, argues Julian Richardson.