
  • Addressing PFAS: Solutions to the forever challenge

    22 March 2024

    The urgent need to detect, treat and destroy 'forever chemicals' in the world's water is creating investment opportunities that are broader and more valuable than many appreciate, write Lisa Beauvilain, Johan Florén and Justin Winter

  • Best performing funds of 2019: BNP Paribas Aqua

    26 February 2020

    Growing pressure to regulate so-called 'forever chemicals' helped boost the performance of water testing companies in BNP Paribas' Aqua fund, Justin Winter tells Michael Hurley

  • Electric vehicles could hit price parity with diesel and petrol from 2022, CDP says

    19 January 2018

    Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will reach price parity with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles from about 2022, according to research published by CDP.

  • Impax's Simon Gottelier joins Pictet

    14 January 2016

    Simon Gottelier, the manager of Impax's water strategy, has joined Pictet Asset Management, where he will manage a rival water fund.