
  • Carbon capture and offsets are 'fake solutions'

    22 September 2022

    Investors must help businesses prepare for net-zero world and the renewable energy take-over, instead of relying on "fake solutions" such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon offsets, an Environmental Finance webinar heard.

  • Fossil fuel reserve profits 'could fall by two-thirds'

    08 June 2020

    Falling demand and rising investment risk is forecast to slash profits from fossil fuel reserves, research by Carbon Tracker reported, estimating they could collapse by almost two-thirds.

  • Peak demand for fossil fuels likely in five years, Carbon Tracker predicts

    11 September 2018

    A likely peak in demand for fossil fuels in 2023 will put trillions of dollars of investments at risk of being stranded, according to the Carbon Tracker Initiative.

  • People moves:Moody's, GGGI,Carbon Tracker, Citigroup, EU climate directorate, Citigroup, GCF, Vimine and ERM

    23 February 2018