
  • The Future of ESG Data: Environmental concerns rising up the agenda for sovereign bonds

    16 September 2020

    Environmental factors are becoming increasingly material considerations for investors in sovereign bonds, according to a panel of experts at Environmental Finance's The Future of ESG Data conference.

  • IFC elected chair of GBP/SBP excom

    06 July 2020

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has been elected chair of the executive committee (excom) of the green, social and sustainability-linked bond principles

  • Elections leave GBP executive committee unchanged

    10 June 2020

    All the members of the executive committee of the Green Bond Principles and Social Bond Principles (GBP & SBP) who were up for re-election have maintained their places.

  • Sustainability-linked Bond Principles mark new era for bond market

    09 June 2020

    A set of Sustainability-linked Bond Principles (SLBP) was launched today, in a landmark move that is expected to kickstart a new market of labelled bond issuance that will "complement rather than act as an alternative" to the green bond market.

  • GBPs map 'green' project eligibility against other taxonomies

    13 June 2019

    A mapping of how the influential Green Bond Principles' (GBPs) judgment of "greenness" corresponds with that of other standards and taxonomies has been published.

  • The anatomy of a taxonomy

    11 July 2018

    The European Commission has a highly ambitious target - to develop a taxonomy to define what is green and act as a compass for sustainable finance. But there's a long and rocky road ahead for this controversial initiative, find Nick Roumpis and Peter Cripps

  • Big debate: Green bonds - nothing but hot air?

    29 June 2018

    What is the purpose of green bonds? Can they be additional? Stan Dupre and Lars Eibeholm went head-to-head at Environmental Finance's Fixed Income & ESG conference, moderated by Tanguy Claquin