
  • Church of England to back climate disclosure shareholder proposals for US banks

    09 April 2024

    The Church of England Pensions Board will vote in favour of measures that could force several US banks, including Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, to disclose the level of their fossil fuel financing relative to that for clean energy.

  • New climate finance target 'to be set at next COP'

    04 January 2024

    This year's COP needs to set an enhanced target for climate finance, a pension fund has argued, as the amount mobilised eventually needs to move from the "billions to the trillions".

  • COP28: First Global Stocktake draft 'not particularly groundbreaking', says Actis

    06 December 2023
  • Simplifying the CA100+ net-zero benchmark is 'laughable'

    13 January 2022

    Criticism of the Net-Zero Company Benchmark developed by Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) being "too complicated" has been described as "laughable,"...