
  • FRC cuts UK Stewardship Code reporting to 'reduce burden' on signatories

    22 July 2024

    The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has cut reporting requirements of the UK Stewardship Code, to "provide clarity on areas signatories outlined as challenging to address, reduce the volume of reporting and provide flexibility for signatories in defining how they undertake stewardship".

  • The accountability backlash has begun

    29 April 2024

    Companies appear increasingly less tolerant of shareholders' dissenting opinions on risk management, governance, and pay, writes Lindsey Stewart

  • TNFD unlikely to be major issue in proxy season, says Morningstar

    24 April 2024

    Companies are unlikely to face many calls to disclose in line with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) during this year's proxy season, according to Morningstar's Lindsey Stewart.

  • Scope 3 disclosure resolutions 'an area of significant contention' in the US

    11 March 2024

    Shareholder resolutions on Scope 3 disclosures remain an "area of significant contention" among US asset managers, Morningstar has said, as it reveals support for ESG-focused resolutions in the country is likely to continue falling.

  • ESG resolution support among US asset managers slumps in 2023

    11 January 2024

    Key environmental, social and governance (ESG) shareholder resolutions at US firms in 2023 were backed by just half of major US asset managers, according to Morningstar - significantly falling behind their European peers.

  • Climate adaptation work at COP28 can learn from biodiversity, Morningstar says

    13 November 2023

    With a growing focus on climate adaptation expected at COP28, there are lessons to be learnt from assessing the inherently local nature of impacts and dependencies on biodiversity, Morningstar has said.

  • US asset managers decline to back 'over-reaching' E&S resolutions

    13 September 2023

    Support for environmental and social shareholder resolutions fell by 10 percentage points in the 2023 proxy season, with asset managers arguing the motions were often 'overly prescriptive' or 'redundant', Morningstar Manager Research has found.

  • US asset manager climate ambition 'reversed' amid ESG backlash, research says

    01 August 2023

    US and Japanese asset managers have been named the worst offenders for climate inaction, with the climate ambition of US managers "reversing" progress from recent years, according to analysis by InfluenceMap.

  • Low-support ESG shareholder resolutions jump as proposals rise

    12 July 2022

    The proportion of US environmental and social shareholder resolutions which achieved only low-level investor support has surged in 2022.