
  • EBA plans climate stress test

    11 December 2019
  • Carney: EU taxonomy is binary - we need 50 shades of green

    24 September 2019

    The EU's taxonomy on sustainable activities is "a good start", but a "richer" taxonomy that does not take a binary approach is needed, said Bank of England governor Mark Carney.

  • People moves: UBS, Palladium, ANZ, Mainstream

    23 August 2019

    UBS creates sustainable finance committee, Tillery appointed CEO of Palladium’s new impact fund and more

  • The ESG data files - introduction

    26 June 2019

    ESG data has gone 'mainstream'. But how good is it, and in what ways does it need to improve? Environmental Finance is today launching a series of features to answer these questions. Peter Cripps reports

  • Bank of England to stress test UK’s financial system by 2021

    21 June 2019

    The Bank of England will by 2021 conduct a stress test of the UK financial system for resilience to the financial risks posed by climate change, Mark Carney has revealed.

  • Central banks send powerful climate risk message with landmark report

    17 April 2019

    A report by some of the world’s most influential central banks and supervisors has sent a shot across the bow of the investment community by signalling that climate-related risk is near the top of their agenda.

  • UK's PRA is first regulator to publish supervisory statement on climate change

    15 April 2019

    The UK's Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has become the first regulator to publish its expectations on how banks and insurers should manage climate risks.

  • Carney: responsible investing will help break the tragedy of the horizon

    21 March 2019

    Mark Carney revisited his landmark tragedy of the horizon speech, this time striking a more positive note about the "tremendous" opportunities created by the low-carbon transition, and predicting that sustainable investing will "go mainstream".

  • Supervising an orderly transition

    21 January 2019

    Why is the Bank of England increasingly focusing on climate change? Sarah Breeden explains its approach to Peter Cripps

  • The 12 themes set to shape 2019

    04 January 2019

    What are the areas to watch for responsible investing in 2019, asks Peter Cripps