Personality of the Year: Mats Andersson
01 April 2015Pension funds are generally staid and conservative. But as CEO of the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4), Mats Andersson has not been afraid to stick his head above the parapet.
Quotes of the quarter
23 December 2014As the calendar year wraps up, Environmental Finance takes a look back at some of the quotes that defined the last quarter.
Decarbonisation driver
04 December 2014The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund is leading the charge in decarbonising its equities portfolio, and is calling on other investors to follow its lead. Its CEO Mats Andersson tells Peter Cripps why
Investor coalition pledges to 'decarbonise' $500bn of assets
24 September 2014A coalition involving two of the largest asset managers in Europe has set a target of 'decarbonising' $500 billion of institutional investments.